CEBaP as Evidence Ambassador during World Evidence-Based Healthcare Day

World EBHC day

20 October marks World Evidence-Based Healthcare (EBHC) Day, a global initiative to raise awareness of the need for better evidence to inform healthcare policy, practice and decision-making.

The campaign for this year's edition is centred on Evidence and Global Health Equity. Health inequities are the unfair, unjust and avoidable differences in health that are caused by how power, resources and money are distributed in society. According to the World Health Organisation “achieving an impact on global health and equity is the ultimate aim of better use of research evidence in health decision-making”. However, the ways in which we commission, fund, produce, synthesise, disseminate, translate and use evidence to inform health policy and practice can either worsen existing health inequities or help to address and overcome health equity challenges. For that reason, the 2023 campaign is a call to action to take concrete steps towards equity-centred evidence-informed decision-making.

The global evidence community has started sharing their experiences, stories and wisdom via blogs and vlogs. For the 4th year in a row, our initiator, the Centre for Evidence-Based Practice of the Belgian Red Cross, is a proud Evidence Ambassador. In a blog article on the World EBHC Day website, they share their story on their approach to supporting the ongoing development of an evidence-based guideline on blood donor recruitment in sub-Saharan Africa, with a particular focus on the equity considerations that drive this project towards equitable access to sufficient and safe blood.


CEBaP Evidence Ambassador 2023