CEBaP, the founding centre of Cochrane First Aid, has recently been ISO certified for the development of systematic reviews and evidence summaries for evidence-based guidelines. This directly benefits Cochrane First Aid, as relevant first aid systematic reviews, including the Cochrane reviews about first aid in case of hypoglycemia and first aid in case of poisoning, are all conducted according to CEBaP’s quality management system, as described by the ISO9001:2015 norm, and according to the highest methodological standards. These standards are documented in Standard Operation Procedures, a quality manual and CEBaP’s methodological charter.
This quality management system allows CEBaP to work according to high quality standards, and to work in a more uniform way. The system also triggers CEBaP to constantly stay alert for possible problems (and solve these, and prevent them in the future), but also for possibilities to improve the methodology and operational way of working. A key focus of the quality management system is to take into account the satisfaction of their clients as much as possible.
Cochrane First Aid is therefore proud to be part of the very first evidence-based centre that is ISO9001:2015 certified, because this means that all systematic reviews that are (co-)developed by Cochrane First Aid are ISO9001:2015 compliant.