We have said it before and we will say it again: our aim is to break down linguistic barriers as much as possible by making Cochrane evidence available in multiple languages. So far, we have been producing blogshots in 11 different languages.
Thanks to the enthusiasm of our voluntary contributor
, we were able to add the third most spoken language in the world to this list. We proudly present to you our first blogshot that has been translated into Spanish, summarizing the results of the :
Helping us create these Spanish translations is , one of the international Cochrane centres. The Iberoamerican Cochrane Network includes Spain and 18 other Spanish-speaking countries in Iberoamerica. Within Cochrane, the centre is responsible for:
- The direction and coordination of the Iberoamerican Cochrane Network;
- Providing training and methodological support activities;
- Knowledge translation and dissemination activities;
- Translation activities;
- Searching for Spanish clinical trials.
We are excited about this collaboration and are looking forward to spreading more Cochrane evidence in Spanish!